Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our Little Mermaid!!!

I am super excited to announce... Maggie CAN swim!!!!  

Maggie started swimming by herself on Friday.  Ben wanted to see her for himself... so we went to the pool both Saturday and Sunday!  Oh and then we went again last night so we could take this video... :) 

Now we have 2 swimmers!  And Archer... well he thinks he can swim.  He's not afraid.  I'm sure he'll be swimming by next summer.  

We are so very proud of both Maggie and Hunter!  I don't think I ever really posted about swimming, but back in May/June I was super embarrassed to go swimming with my kids.  I remember taking all three kids to HSU in May and there was these kids Maggie and Hunter's age there with their dad.  They were diving for rings and swimming all over the place without floaties.  My kids on the other hand, were clinging to me whining about me letting go of them.  They wouldn't get off the step and they had on floaties.  I don't think we swam more than 30 minutes that day.  Then the summer happened and my Mom got them both into swimming lessons while they were at her house.  We would take them swimming all the time at the Sheriff's house, too. (I love that pool!  Thank you Lynn and Mike for letting us swim!!) And they slowly started to LOVE the water.  Then Hunter took lessons from Sara... WOW!  She knows what she is doing.  (Gainesville peeps... if you need swimming lessons let me know.  Sara is amazing!) Hunter then started to take off.  He became our little fish.  Maggie and Archer really figured out the whole floatie thing.  They were both doing great with the floaties.  Maggie could swim around anywhere with them and Archer could too, I just wouldn't let him go more than an arms reach.  Once we moved to Wichita we joined the YMCA, but the only thing was you couldn't wear floaties at the pool.  You could only wear a life jacket.  :(  I thought that might really hurt our chances on Maggie and Archer learning to swim.  I thought that would mean that I would have to carry them around the pool the whole time... I was wrong.  Instead Maggie decides on her own to swim!  Archer will jump off the side and completely go under and is totally fine... in fact he LOVES it.  So if your kids are stressing you out at the pool or you are embarrassed because your kids are the only ones afraid of the water... just wait!  With time your kids will be little fish and little mermaids too. :)  
Thank you Honey and Coach for enrolling Hunter and Maggie in swimming lessons.  Thank you for driving them to the lessons everyday.  It really did pay off!!! Thank you!! 

P.S.  Maggie does not want to be called a fish.  She is a mermaid. :) 

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