I cannot believe our little man, Archer is two!!! How in the world could he be 2, already?!?
We had such a great day last Monday, Archer's birthday. Let me just tell you about this little man... He is the best hugger and kisser of the Jennings family. He has the biggest heart and is always hugging me and kissing me out of no where. He LOVES airplanes and his new favorite thing to look for is the school bus., aka "cool bus." He loves playing with Hunter and Maggie. He loves puppy dogs, especially Dog, Oso and King-a-ling. He is talking up a storm. He is always asking "what doing?" and will always say thank you after you give him some fruit snacks. He is our eater! He will be done with his food and then move on to Maggie and Hunter's plate to see if they have anything left. He loves to sit in my lap and eat dinner. I could go on and on about our Archer, but I'll stop and show you some pictures from his birthday on Monday and his Puppy Paw-ty on Saturday.
We played all day Monday and then when Ben got home from work we had presents and cookies to celebrate our littlest man!
Opening his presents. Both Hunter and Maggie had to go to the store to buy Archer a gift. They were so excited to celebrate Archer!
Moving on to Saturday, paw-ty day!!
I don't know if you remember last year's birthday party... you can read about it here.
We were so excited to have a real party for our Archer-boy!
I will tell you, Archer did NOT sleep at all on Friday night. He is normally our best sleeper, but Friday it just wasn't happening. I think he enjoyed his party, but he was pretty sleepy.
Our big boy!
I got his t-shirt made from London Stitches on Etsy! I have used this sweet lady for Maggie's 2nd and 3rd birthday shirts and Archer Christmas shirt last year. I LOVE this shop! Check it out here.
I made him a puppy dog house out of some boxes we had. I think all the kids liked the dog house! We still have it up in our living room. Hunter likes to read in there! :)
I made lots of puppy dog ears for everyone to wear. So fun!
Puppy dog cupcakes! Super easy to make! :) Tootsie Rolls for the ears, Star burst for the tong, M&M nose and Wilton's eye candy. So easy! :)
Archer's dog bowl cake! :)
All those beanie babies came in handy for this paw-ty!
More cakes pictures!
Brothers before the party!
We painted with milk bones. And then the kids just played.
We are so blessed! Having just moved to Wichita I really didn't think we would have anyone at his party, but Ben invited some of his friends from work. Everyone was so nice and so sweet to make it out to his party! The kids were super excited to see Katie and Ms. Kim at the party, too! We also have some AMAZING neighbors!!! Seriously we are blessed! We have really sweet neighbors next door who came over. Then we have a really sweet family across the street who came. They are amazing! They have 2 little girls, one who is Hunter's age and one who is Maggie's age... perfect! Jenny is so sweet! Going into Saturday I was missing my friends from Abilene... Keri was always the one to help me at parties and just help make everything run smooth. Jenny stepped right in and helped pass out cake and was just amazing. It was a lot of fun!
I can't thank everyone enough for coming to his party!! Thank you! Thank you!!
He sang the Happy Birthday song with everyone. It was so sweet!
Eating some cake!
What a great day!! Happy Birthday, Archer boy! We love you soooo much!!! He is truly the biggest blessing! We are so in love!
Now on to planning Maggie's party! :)